Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog 3

Throughout the years, humans have developed ways to associate themselves with certain group of people with specific beliefs in order to create an underlined difference in our society, with the purpose of increasing the knowledge or making a radical change in different aspects of a community such as economic, political or even psychological changes not usually achieved in front of the public’s eyes, but in a different way which can be associate with the term “Secret societies”.
Esoteric by Shannon L. Aspen represents people claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject, this author is trying to explain the way secret societies operate, letting us know that symbols and hidden messages surround us, but only some people can interpret it because they have the knowledge or the degree required to know certain "truths" about the world.

In this poem we can identify the different literary elements, different tones can be found through each line to make it sound interesting, for what I can understand, the first line rhymes with the third one and second one with the fourth line, and usually every ending word has a similar sound to each ending word, the theme of the poem makes it sound esoteric, mysterious or cabalistic and the most appropriate tone of voice to read it is using a obscure and deep tone to create the illusion of something clandestine or hidden to the public’s eyes.
Symbolism can also be found through each line in this poem, the author is trying to let us know in a certain way that there is a truth hidden to us, and some people or groups such as secret societies, knows the truth that is deceived to us and that could set us free.
The fourth line, which says “adding up the numbers to see far and wide”, can be interpreted as getting information to get to know more things or to find the truth behind the secret, also, the eighth line “Climbing the steps to the 33rd degree” is a symbolism for knowledge, which in the freemasonry, the 33rd degree is the highest level in which it becomes a matter of public knowledge and pride.

In conclusion Esoteric by Shannon L. Aspen is a poem in which we can identify different literary elements often used in poetry, the authors attitude, which makes it sound shady and gloomy, talking about secret societies and hidden truths can be identify as the tone of the poem through choice of words and details, also the symbolism is present, which is anything that suggest a meaning beyond the obvious.


  1. Your description of the poem is very well thought out but you should try and make it longer. The 33rd degree freemasonry is something i didnt know about until u pointed out the connection...try to find more things like that in your poem.

  2. Nice essay so far, but one suggestion about the tone, what emotions does the poem bring out? Happy? Sad? Depressed? etc. Again nice essay.

  3. I feel you should add in a few more details in your essay but other then that well written

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  6. Hi Mateo. I like that you found a pattern in the piece, Esoteric by Shannon L. Aspen. You do a good job in describing your interpretation of the symbolism. Make sure to give your own definitions of what tone and symbolism are in the beginning of your two body paragraphs. Also note that the tone of this piece is not literally the sound or rhyme schemes you find, but more of the author’s attitude. This will help you to develop a better analysis of the author’s ideas. Overall, nice interpretation.
